Industry Training Programs

Specialised training for the Information Technology and Communications Sectors

From time to time, DuxTel is pleased to offer specialised training programs for IT professional development.

Certified MikroTik Training:
We are delighted to offer the following officially recognised MikroTik certification training courses:

  • MTCNA - MikroTik Certified Network Associate (4 days)
  • MTCRE - MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCINE - MikroTik Certified Inter-networking Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCWE - MikroTik Certified Wireless Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCEWE - MikroTik Certified Enterprise Wireless Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCSE - MikroTik Certified Security Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCSWE - MikroTik Certified Switching Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCTCE - MikroTik Certified Traffic Control Engineer (3 days)
  • MTCUME - MikroTik Certified User Management Engineer (3 days)

All training courses include catering, writing materials and printed course notes. Participants are required to bring their own laptop computer and at least two ethernet patch cables. Approved training routers for use in practice labs are included with all course enrollments.


Training programs are scheduled according to indications on our demand register. If there are no suitable training courses scheduled, you are welcome to register your interest, by submitting your details to our training program register:

Stay updated on planned and upcoming training events

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Course/s of Interest